Homemade Pesto and Spaghetti Squash


posted by on Entrées, Pasta

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Pesto_spaghetti_squashI never really jumped on the spaghetti squash bandwagon as it got popular in the last few years, but I admit I was curious what this vegetable camouflaging as everyone’s favorite carbohydrate actually tasted like. So, on this weekend’s trip to our favorite grocery store for produce, Russo’s, I saw a beautiful little squash and mustered up the courage to buy one.  I got the inspiration for combining spaghetti squash with pesto from my friend Yulia’s blog.  Pesto_up_close

The same grocery store always carries the most appealing bundles of fresh herbs, so I knew when I laid eyes on the basil that I would have to make my own pesto – which, with the advent of a food processor is super easy. I will attempt to prove this to you, even though I know you are thinking why bother making it, when you can buy it. Trust me; it tastes so fresh and so delicious!

pesto ingredients

1 or 2 medium sized spaghetti squashes
Extra-virgin olive oil
Bunch fresh basil
2-3 inch cube of parmegiano reggiano
~1/4 cup pine nuts
1 large or 2 small cloves of garlic

Preheat oven to 450F.

Baked_spaghetti_squashSlice squash in half and scoop out and trash seeds in the middle. Brush with olive oil – season with salt and pepper. Place cut side down on baking sheet covered in foil. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove and let cool.

While the squash is baking, prepare the pesto. Wash and dry the basil leaves (salad spinners are awesome for this!). Coarsely chop the garlic and the parmesan.

Lightly toast the pine nuts. To do this, pine nuts tossspread in a single layer on small saucepan and set on med-high heat. Watch closely and keep the nuts moving, especially when you notice them starting to caramelize. As soon as they all have a lightly golden side, remove from heat and dump on a separate plate to cool and stop cooking.

In a food processor (or magic bullet or equivalent), combine basil, garlic, parmesan, cooled pine nuts, ½ tsp salt, and olive oil (I start with just a bit, maybe a few tablespoons, and then add as needed). Start processing – you may need to add more oil to get to the right consistency, add a bit at a time until it comes together. Taste to see if it needs more salt (or more cheese). Season accordingly.


Once squash is cool enough to handle, shred with fork and remove all the strands into a bowl or container. Mix with 2-3 large tablespoons of pesto and enjoy!


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  1. Igor

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