Posts Tagged ‘pesto’

posted by on Entrées, Pasta

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Pesto_spaghetti_squashI never really jumped on the spaghetti squash bandwagon as it got popular in the last few years, but I admit I was curious what this vegetable camouflaging as everyone’s favorite carbohydrate actually tasted like. So, on this weekend’s trip to our favorite grocery store for produce, Russo’s, I saw a beautiful little squash and mustered up the courage to buy one.  I got the inspiration for combining spaghetti squash with pesto from my friend Yulia’s blog.  Pesto_up_close

The same grocery store always carries the most appealing bundles of fresh herbs, so I knew when I laid eyes on the basil that I would have to make my own pesto – which, with the advent of a food processor is super easy. I will attempt to prove this to you, even though I know you are thinking why bother making it, when you can buy it. Trust me; it tastes so fresh and so delicious! Click here to read full post