Posts Tagged ‘hummus’

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Avocado Hummus

At our house, guacamole and hummus, as individual products, are basically the sole staples of our diet (oh and greek yogurt but more on that in the future). In fact, the week before we got married, when I was working 15 hour days on a crazy project at work and had no time to cook, my husband essentially lived on a few tubs of Sabra hummus. These delicious dips and spreads have become the holy grail of trendy, healthy eating. Chock full of healthy fats from avocados or olive oil, full of antioxidants and the germ-fighting goodness of garlic, and breaming with fiber a-plenty – these international foods have made their way into the hearts and stomachs of Americans across the country.

So of course, it is only natural that these foods find their way into a blissful union. There is no exact science to this recipe, just as there is no exact science to my (award-winning) guacamole or hummus. The result was a very mild, extremely delicate and light tasting hummus with a green tint. On the first day, the avocado was barely discernible as a flavor, acting only through its fat content to emulsify and create a whipped texture for the hummus. On day 2 though (I am surprised the bowl lasted that long), the flavor of the avocado became more pronounced and created a delicate balance. Click here to read full post